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1 . We respect your privacy

1.1 Out N About OT is committed to protecting the right to privacy of every individual including its clients, employees and business partners. 

1.2 It is our policy that the collection, security, quality, use and disclosure or personal information shall be conducted in accordance with the “Privacy Act 1988”, Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000”, Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs) contained within the legislation.

1.3 Out N About OT are fully committed to complying with consent requirements of the NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework and relevant state or territory requirements.

1.4 The purpose of this policy is to clearly communicate how Out N About OT collects and manages personal information


2. Australian Privacy Principles

2.1 Out N About OT is required to comply with the APPS prescribed under the Act.

2.2 The APPs regulate how we may collect, use, disclose and store personal information and how individuals, including Out N About OT clients may:

  • Address breaches of the APPs by Out N About OT

  • Address their own personal information; and,

  • Correct their own personal information.

2.3 In order to provide clients with adequate health services, Out N About OT needs to collect and use personal information.


3. Collection of your personal information

3.1 Out N About OT collects information from each individual client that is necessary to provide the patient with adequate occupational therapy services.

3.2 This information will in most circumstances be collected directly through the client through (but not limited to) the Out N About OT consent form, medical treatment forms, referrals and/ or face-to-face consultation.

3.3 In some circumstances, Out N About OT may need to collect personal information about a client from a third-party source, including relative’s and/ or other health services providers. This will only be conducted if the client has provided consent for Out N About OT to do so.


4. Storage of your personal information

4.1 Out N About OT  stores and retains a client’s personal and health information in an electronic record system – Cliniko,  which is compliant with APP and servers are located in Sydney, Australia.

4.2 Security for personal information includes password protection for IT systems, locked filing cabinets and physical access restrictions with only authorised personnel permitted to access.

4.3 If Out N About OT holds or receives any personal or health information that is no longer deemed relevant or appropriate, Out N About OT will reasonably de-identify and dispose of the information accordingly.

4.4 If Out N About OT receives information that they did not request, we will contact the client and request them to collect it.

4.5 Out N About OT is dedicated to ensuring your information is secure. In the event that a breach of your information is identified, affected clients will be notified by Out N About OT and informed of our processes for handling any breaches. If at any stage a client identifies a breach of their privacy, they are requested to speak to the Director about lodging their concerns formally.


5. Use and disclosure of your personal information

5.1 Out N About OT only uses personal information for the purpose of providing occupational therapy services to the client, unless one of the following applies:

  • The client has consented Out N About OT to use his/her information for an alternative or additional purpose;

  • The disclosure of the client’s information by Out N About OT is reasonably necessary for the enforcement of criminal law or a law imposing a penalty or sanction, or for the protection of public revenue;

  • The disclosure of the client’s information by Out N About OT will prevent or lessen a serious or imminent threat to somebody’s life or health; or,

  • Out N About OT is required or authorised by law to disclose the client’s information for another purpose

5.2 Out N About OT may need to refer the client onto other health service providers for further treatment, in which case they may require the use of the client’s health information in order to provide adequate health services. Confidentiality and privacy of the patient’s personal information will be upheld during this process.

5.3 At any point a client wishes to be treated by an alternative medical practitioner or health care service that requires access to his/her personal/ health information, Out N About OT requires written authorization to state that the client will be utilizing alternative health services and that these health services have consented for a transfer of personal/ health information.

5.4 In order to provide the best service, Out N About OT may use personal/ health information where necessary for:

  • Quality assurance processes, accreditation, audits, risk and claims management and staff education and training;

  • Invoicing, billing and account management;

  • To liaise with a client’s health fund, Family and Community Services, Medicare, the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, relevant government funding bodies, including to (but not limited to) the NDIS, as necessary; and,

  • The purpose of complying with any applicable laws

5.5 By providing us with personal information, you consent to the terms of this Privacy Policy and the types of disclosure covered by this Policy. Where we disclose your personal information to third parties, we will request that the third party follow this Policy regarding the handling of your personal information.


6. Access and changes to your personal information

6.1 If a client reasonably requests access to their personal information for the purposes of changing the information he/she must engage with the director of Out N About OT, through the contact details listed below:

                  Director: Donna Reilly

                  Mobile: 0426 172 202


6.2 Changes to a client’s personal information will be subject to the client’s consent.


7. Complaints handling

7.1 Clients who would like to make a complaint about a perceived breach of the Australian Privacy Principles through Out N About OT, can do so by contacting the Director through the contact details listed in 6.1.


8. Access to policy

8.1 Out N About OT provides free copies of this Privacy Policy for clients and staff to access, which can be located on Out N About OT’s website and available in hard copy upon request.


9. Review of policy

9.1 Out N About OT in accordance with any legislative change will review the terms and conditions of this policy to ensure all content is both accurate and up to date. This policy will, as a minimum, be reviewed every three (3) years or as required.


10. Roles and responsibilities

10.1 It is the responsibility of Out N About OT to ensure that clients and employees are familiar with this policy and to provide a written Privacy Statement to persons and entities involved with us. It is the responsibility of all employees on a day-to-day basis, in everything that they do in the workplace, to ensure that their activities comply with this policy.

10.2Failure by any employee to comply with the requirements of this Policy shall result in disciplinary action that may include termination of employment.


11. Variations

11.1 Out N About OT reserves the right to vary, replace or terminate this policy from time to time. 


Out N About OT needs to collect information about you for the primary purpose of assessing and providing intervention and recommendations for you.  This information will also be used for:


  1. Administrative purposes for running our service

  2. Billing you directly, through the NDIS, or other agency if required

  3. Use within our service to ensure you are provided with quality supports and services

  4. Disclosure of information to the NDIA, the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission, or other government agencies if needed

  5. Disclosure of information to your doctors or to other health professionals to facilitate communication and best possible care for you

  6. Disclosure to other providers in order to provide appropriate services


To read the full consent form, please download the PDF by clicking the red icon below.


Your Rights

  • If you need help saying what you want, you can use an advocate. An advocate is an independent person who will help you communicate your wishes

  • To make your own informed choices regarding all aspects of therapy. We will endeavor to give you sufficient time to consider and review options and seek advice. Please let us know your needs and preferences

  • To have your values, culture and beliefs respected

  • To be protected from violence, abuse and discrimination

  • We value your feedback and want to fix problems quickly. Should you have any complaints or feedback in regards to Out N About OT services, you can contact the director Donna Reilly on 0426 172 202, use the contact form on the website or send an email to

  • You have a right to leave our service at any time, again, please let us know any feedback on why you wish to  leave. If you are under an NDIS service agreement, you are required to give 14 days notice of your intention to exit from the service

  • Should you be unable to attend an appointment, you are required to contact Donna before 3pm the day before the appointment, as per our cancellation policy. A fee of up to 90% of the price of the scheduled appointment may be charged if this notice is not given


Our Responsibilities

  • Out N About OT has a privacy policy, which reflects the Federal Privacy Act 1988 (and amended Privacy Act 2000). That policy gives guidelines on the collection, use, disclosure and security of information. It is available at our website, and by request in hard copy. We also have several other policies available on your request including how we manage incidents, risks, complaints, work health and safety, etc.

  • Your personal and health information will be held primarily as an electronic medical record, utilizing “Cliniko” practice management system. This is compliant with Australian privacy regulations and servers are located in Sydney, Australia.

  • Out N About OT needs to collect information about you for the primary purpose of assessing and providing intervention and recommendations for you. A consent form or service agreement will be completed for permission to disclose your information to other providers. Please advise us if there is anyone you do not wish us to share information with. You can access your information on request, amend information you believe to be inaccurate and withdraw or amend your prior consent.

  • We have a duty of care to protect you from getting hurt as we help you reach your goals.

  • All staff at Out N About OT have up-to-date Working With Children Clearance and have had a criminal record check conducted.

  • Staff at Out N About OT are committed to creating a safe environment for the community, which means we are mandatory reporters for Family and Community Services.

  • We aim to ensure there is no conflict of interest between you and our staff. A conflict of interest is when someone does not do his or her job fairly.

  • We do not accept any offer of money, commission or non-token gifts of more than minor value that would cause us to act in a manner contrary to the interest of clients.

  • We ensure suppliers are recommended or chosen based on their experience and expertise with specific medical conditions, product knowledge and timeframes for conducting visits, etc.

  • Entry and access to our services is provided on the basis of relative need, availability of resources and experience of therapists to meet clinical issues.

  • At your first visit, we will outline your support plan and recommendations.

  • We maintain a quality management system, ensuring we follow legislation, the latest research and evidence-based practice.

  • Out N About OT believe in engaging with the local community through actively participating and donating to local charities.

Ph: 0426 172 202

Fx: 8572 9926

PO Box 7004 Mount Annan NSW 2567

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